Christmas Wish List

I've had friends and family ask what I'd like for Christmas and I've always had a mental list at the back of my head, which seems to magically fizzle away. To make it simple, I've put together a few things so I don't have to remember.

As always, I can't live without a bottle of 'Jan Marini' face cleanser. Ok it's not cheap but I've been using it for a couple of years now and I rely on it religiously.

I've always been a fan of silver jewellery and a 'Michael Kors' watch and a silver bangle would look quite nice with my existing 'Pandora' charm bracelet.

Being in my second year of uni, I find myself buying pads of lined paper and wasting half the pad by not using it. Having an iPad or iPad Mini might help out with typing out lecture notes.

Most of my family and friends know I religiously straighten my hair everyday and the smallest drop of moisture in my hair will make it curl - so a handy bath cap is always around in my bathroom. Mine just happens to be stretched and well worn!
